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Privacy policy

The company Arena Channels Group doo Beograd, no. 9a Milutina MIlankovića street, ID number: 20510293 is the holder of personal data of natural persons, which it processes in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection (Official Gazette no. 87/18, hereinafter: Law).

Arena Channels Group doo Beograd processes personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy which applies to all services and products of Arena Channels Group doo Beograd, which include the processing of personal data.

This Privacy Policy explains in a clear, comprehensible and easily accessible manner which personal data Arena Channels Group doo Beograd (hereinafter: Arena Channels Group doo Beograd) collects and processes:

Personal data

1. Arena Channels Group doo Beograd collects and processes the following personal data from the service users: name and surname, mobile phone number, e-mail address, credit card number and geolocation.

2. Conversations with the customer service Arena Channels Group doo Beograd may be recorded for the purpose of evidencing and exercising the rights and obligations of the parties from the contract, of which the customer shall be informed by automated messages before he/she makes a call

Access parameters

3. Arena Channels Group doo Beograd allocates the available access parameters to the customer depending on the type of contracted service: user name, user code or user account. The access parameters are personalized and the user code as a rule cannot be changed by the customer and without the knowledge of Arena Channels Group doo Beograd. If the customer has forgotten his/her password, he may file a request for a change of password, in which case a new code number will be forwarded to him/her via sms. The customer shall keep the user code secret.

4. The access parameters shall be allocated for use, and Arena Channels Group doo Beograd shall retain the right to change these parameters without the customer’s consent, and with prior notification to the customer for the purpose of unhindered use of the service, except for the user code (in which case it needs the customer’s consent), for technical reasons or for the purpose of harmonization with the regulations.

5. Starting from service activation, it shall be deemed that all activities performed via access parameters have been performed by the customer or with his/her consent, so that the customer is solely responsible for all the consequences arising from these activities. Therefore, it is the customer’s responsibility to prevent such parameters from being used by unauthorized persons.

Method of collecting data

6. The data shall be collected: directly from the customers when they log into the application and / or automatically, based on the use of electronic communications services by the customers, which is recorded i.e. registered in the network and system of Arena Channels Group doo Beograd, from publicly available sources and from other personal data holders based on an appropriate contractual relationship.

7. At the installation of the application and the customer login, the customer is informed about personal data processing, in accordance with the law which regulates personal data protection, by granting his/her consent – signing a notification on the processing of personal data.

8. Arena Channels Group doo Beograd shall make sure that the data is processed in the Republic of Serbia and in the manner which is in accordance with the purpose of data processing.

Method of processing

9. Arena Channels Group doo Beograd shall process personal data for the purposes that are precisely defined, explicit, justified and legal. In the collection of data, Arena Channels Group doo Beograd shall adhere to the principle of the minimum data volume, so that only the personal data which is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose for which it is collected shall be collected from the persons to whom the data refers. Additional personal data shall be collected with the consent of the person to whom the data refers.

Purpose of processing

10. The data is collected and processed for the following purposes: preparation and execution of services, calculation and invoicing of contracted services; maintaining contact and communication with the customer; notifications about the services and promotional campaigns of the holder of personal data; establishing the identity and legitimacy of the customer for the purpose of reception, processing and accommodating additional requests by the customers.

11. Traffic data is processed for the following purposes: provision of electronic communications services, performance of contractual obligations, calculation and invoicing of contractual obligations.

Access to personal data and data transfer

12. Access to personal data shall be allowed only to employees of Arena Channels Group doo Beograd, and the engaged associates in accordance with the tasks that they perform based on the previously provided technical, organizational and HR policy.

13. The person whose data is processed shall have the right to access information about the processing of own personal data, withdraw his/her consent, correct and supplement the personal data, the right to restrict the processing and the right to complain about the processing of data, the right to delete the personal data, the right to complain to the Commissioner for information of public significance and personal data protection, as well as other rights under the law.

14. Personal data shall be available to third parties only in the following cases:

1. If there is a legal obligation or an explicit authorization under the law (court order),

2. If a third party, i.e. subcontractor (processor) is engaged for the performance of certain tasks, based on a contractual relationship,

3. to the related companies of Arena Channels Group doo Beograd provided that there are legal grounds (consent or legitimate interest) for such transfer,

4. if it is necessary to forward the data for the purpose of contract execution

Manner of data keeping, secrecy and data protection

15. Arena Channels Group doo Beograd shall keep all personal data in paper and electronic form.

16. The collected personal data shall be treated as a business secret.

17. For the purpose of personal data protection, Arena Channels Group doo Beograd shall envisage organizational, technical and HR measures envisaged by the internal by-laws of Arena Channels Group doo Beograd.

Data users

18. The personal data holder is authorized to forward personal dana to its founder, related business companies, its employees and persons engaged through work engagement or contract, as well as employees and persons engaged through work engagement or contract of the founder and the related legal entities, who for the purpose of performing their job must process personal data in accordance with the law, the judicial authorities (prosecutor’s office, courts), the investigative and security authorities and other state authorities and holders of public functions who in accordance with the regulations or for the purpose of performing their duties must process personal data.

19. The personal data holder is authorized to forward personal data, for the purpose of exercising the rights from the contract, to lawyers, persons who perform the collection of receivables, courts and enforcement officers, in proportion with the purpose of the processing, according to the regulations and respecting the restrictions envisaged by the regulations.

Rights of individuals to whom the data refers

Users, stakeholders and other persons to whom personal data refers, may exercise the following rights:

1. The right to access personal data

2. The right to have personal data rectified,

3. The right to restrict processing,

4. The right to complain,

5. The right to erasure (to be forgotten)

6. The right to data portability – all in accordance with the law

21. For the protection of users’ rights regarding the personal data processing, the user may also contact, in writing, the personal data protection operator via email at:

22. All requests should be clearly and carefully written and signed.

23. Arena Channels Group doo Beograd shall respond to the request without delay, no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of a complete and correct request.

Cookies for websites and applications

24. We use cookies on our site and application.

25. By using this site or application, you agree to the use of cookies and other similar technologies.

26. A cookie is a simple text file that is stored in a web browser while a user is browsing the website.

27. Cookies usually contain the name of the site from which the user visits the site and cookies generate a unique number that is used to identify the browsers for which a link with the site is required.

28. We use cookies or other similar technologies to make our webpages and applications work faster and easier to use, to optimize the content and properly place advertising messages in accordance with the expectations and interests of users, to collect statistics that enable us to understand how websites are used (including the services of our application) and to improve functionality and content.

29. Cookies are used to identify the registered user, for the purpose of displaying relevant information that corresponds to the user’s interests.

30. If you do not accept that cookies are stored on your computer or mobile phone, you can configure this in a web browser or in the application settings on your computer or mobile phone and you can delete cookies that are stored in your storage media. Most web browsers and applications accept cookies automatically, but there is an option not to accept cookies or to select the option to display alerts before cookies are stored. If you do not accept cookies, the functionality of the application, webpages or other services of Arena Channels Group doo Beograd may be limited or incomplete, which may lead to the non-functionality of the service.

31. It is possible to remove cookies by changing the settings in your internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc.). You can delete stored cookies from your internet browser, in which case removing some cookies may reduce the functionality of the Internet site.

32. In order to continuously use all aspects of the Arena Cloud application, you need to enable the use of cookies. At any time, after using cookies, you can delete them via already built-in options for deleting cookies from the web browser. Deleting cookies will not affect previously performed sessions, nor will it in any way adversely affect the normal functionality of your computer or mobile device.

33. This Policy is an integral part of the general terms and conditions for the recognition of services.

34. The policy is subject to change in accordance with regulatory requirements.

35. Arena Channels Group doo Beograd undertakes to keep the updated version on its website and application, whereby it is considered that third parties have been notified of the changes and the content thereof, by accepting it.

Acceptance and entry into force of the privacy policy

36. The individuals whose data are processed hereby confirm that they have read, understood and accepted the processing of personal data described above.

37. This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically, but the achieved privacy protection level may not be diminished.

This Privacy Policy shall apply as of 26 November 2020.